Exploring Gene Keys

Healing yourself, loving the world

When I suggest to my clients they look at the Gene Keys work, I have several reasons in mind:

  1. The idea of the shadow, gift and Siddhi of each gate/hexagram/gene key is a compelling one and fits in with my Enneagram studies and the levels of development.  It offers us a vision of the unique gift we bring the world and also shines a light on the darker aspects of our make-up.
  2. If we look at our design/personality sun and earth gates/hexagrams/gene keys, we find a detailed guide to the unhealthy, healthy, and evolved state of that key.  I have noticed that clients who’ve been working with human design for a few years come to a place where a deeper expansion and evolution is showing up.  Seeing the map of our path through the eyes of Gene Keys can aid us in this exploration.  Just reading about the four gates defined by your personality and design sun and earth can provide deep insights and contemplation.
  3. The gates/hexagrams originated from the I Ching.  Gene Keys offers a modern and comprehensive explanation of those energies in a way that people can understand.
  4. The idea of programming partners (that comes from the gates being arranged in a circle – information that Ra and human design originated) is a powerful one.  Looking at the play between our sun and earth gene keys gives us insight into our unique make-up.

“Every one of the 64 Gifts unlocks a particular genius that then finds expression through the radiance of your aura.”

The Circular Order of The Hexagrams Shows Us the Programming Partners
The Circular Order Shows Us the Programming Partners


[Rudd, Richard (2009). The Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in your DNA. p. xix.]

Interested in learning more?

  • For more information, read this post on working with the Gene Keys.
  • Listen to my weekly podcast where I combine tapping with the archetypal energy of the week.
  • Buy my book on Amazon with 183 tapping ideas tied to the archetypal energy of the week.
Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel

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Deborah Donndelinger

Deborah Donndelinger

I'm writing from Maryland, but my heart goes out all over the world. I'm cheering you on as you tackle the hard stuff, embrace the easy, and show up to help others.